Law of Reversibility of Attributes
I'vecome up with a simple law called Law of Reversability of Attributes. It's based on the physics law of a similar name. Basically what the law means is that the inverse of a transformation should result in a return to the original state.
The Law of Reversibility of Attributes is defined as:
For a given state of an object; when a attribute's value is changed, the inverse of that value, when applied to that attribute, will result in the object returning to its original state.
I say "attribute" rather than "property" to encompass methods that imply setting of attributes. So, for example
myObject.BooleanValue = !myObject.BooleanValue;
myObject.BooleanValue = !myObject.BooleanValue;
means myObject will be in the same state after the second line of code than it was before the first line of code.
[UPDATE: interestingly, after I wrote this post–which was delay-published–Bill Wagner wrote a great article on a very similar topic in Visual Studio Magazine]
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