Visual Studio Revert-to-saved macros

Published on Thursday, July 27, 2006


Visual Studio Revert-to-saved macros

I often run into situations where I'd like to undo all the work I've done in a file. Some applications refer to this as Revert-to-saved. Visual Studio 2005 does not seem to have a function to do this. So, I've written a couple macros to do this.

The first, RevertToSaved simply calls Undo until it can't undo anymore. This is much faster than holding the Ctrl-Z key down, and keeps your undo buffer.

Sub RevertToSaved()

While DTE.ActiveDocument.Undo() = True

End While

End Sub

The second, RevertToSaved2, is a little more brute force–it simply closes the current project item and reopens it, attempting to return to the same cursor location.

Sub RevertToSaved2()

Dim projectItem As EnvDTE.ProjectItem = DTE.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem

If Not projectItem Is Nothing Then

Dim activeLine As Integer = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.ActivePoint.Line

Dim lineCharOffset As Integer = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.ActivePoint.LineCharOffset


Dim window As EnvDTE.Window = projectItem.Open()

If Not window Is Nothing Then


window.Document.Selection.MoveToLineAndOffset(activeLine, lineCharOffset)

End If

End If

End Sub


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