
Writing Unit Tests is Hard, Because…

Testing framework assumptions

SSL is not the basis of mission critical security

Windows Azure PowerShell

And the winners are…

What Code Comments are Not For.

The TeamCity Database Migration Documenation Could Use Some Work

Getting a Quick Feel for a New Software Team

Windows 8 for the Keyboard User

Hosted MongoDB

Not Only SQL

Fluent Builders Part 2

Lasagna Code

Best Practices

Principles of Software Development Productivity

Getting Started Unit Testing with nUnit

Flaws in the Microsoft Connect Process

Apple’s New iPhone SDK Licensing Changes are a Potential Win for Microsoft.

Platform Developer Creativity

The Add Reference Dialog is the Wrong Scenario

MEF is not An IoC container; but MEF uses IoC

Women in High Tech

What is Data-Driven Design

Nourishing Technology and product communities.

The weather outside is frightful

TechDays Canada 2009 Developer Foundations Call For Speakers

Why Fundamentals are Important to Microsoft’s Bottom-line

Thread.Sleep is a sign of a poorly-designed program, redux

Working with Children

visual studio jedi 2

Closure Tip

IS prolific use of inheritance a sign of a poorly design program?

Transparency in Software Products

Getting the most out of Reflector

Code Coverage

Microsoft Knowledge Base Themes

Multi-platform Testing

.NET Framework Source Code License.

Windows XP Professional EULA

Playing with LINQ

Maxim’s of Object-Oriented Design – Layers

In progress

Observation as Scientific Proof


Compilation of LINQ Expressions and Separation of Concerns.

How do I derive from a sealed class?

Why is immutability important.

Microsoft Symbol Server EULA Circa VS 2005

Dependency Inversion Principle

Misapplied "Premature Optimization"

C# Design Guidelines

Software Design Priniples and Terminology

Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.


Reducing code-bloat with anonymous methods

Uses for yield Part One – Introduction

‘System.Threading.Thread.Suspend()’ is obsolete: ‘Thread.Suspend has been deprecated…

Writing Libraries with Visual C++

Pot to Kettle: "You’re Black"

Protecting intellectual properties in .NET, Part 2.

MSDN Wiki Search Google Toolbar Button

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